Flying with children can be a daunting experience for many parents. However, with a little preparation and the right tips and tricks, it can be a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone.

As a parent, you’re probably always on the lookout for ways to make your flying experience as smooth and stress-free as possible. Here are a few tips to help make your flights with children as smooth as possible

Pack essentials in a carry-on bag

Pack a small backpack or duffel bag with snacks, drinks, and other important stuff like water, extra clothes, and things to keep you entertained. Keep it in your carry-on bag so you can easily get to it on the flight. You can also buy your kid’s favorite toys from places like Lively Childhood Hub beforehand, so you have them with you and they don’t get bored.

Also, pack enough diapers and wipes for the trip. Make sure to bring a small bag for disposing of these items when you get to your destination. You also need to pack a blanket and pillows for the airplane seat.

Prepare for takeoff and landing

Children often experience discomfort during takeoff and landing due to pressure changes in their ears. To help ease this, offer them a bottle or pacifier during takeoff and landing, or encourage them to suck on a lollipop or chew gum.

Choose your seats wisely

Flying with children can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to choose your seats wisely. Booking a seat with extra legroom or a bulkhead seat can provide extra space for your child to move around and play. Consider booking an aisle seat so that you can easily get up and walk around with your child during the flight. And don’t forget to bring along toys and games to keep them amused!

Bring entertainment

Pack plenty of entertainment options to keep your child occupied during the flight. Coloring books, stickers, and hand-held games are great options. You can also download movies and TV shows on an electronic device.

Stay organized

When traveling with children, it is important to stay organized so that everything goes smoothly. One way to do this is to pack their clothes and toys in packing cubes or compression bags. This makes it easier to find what you need, and it also helps prevent things from getting lost or left behind.

Plan for mealtime

If you’re flying with your child, prepare for a long journey with limited food and drink options. Bring your own snacks and drinks to avoid high prices and crowded airports. And be sure to pack healthy snacks, such as fruit and granola bars, to keep your child satiated and nourished on the flight. If your child has any food allergies, make sure to bring alternative options and inform the flight crew in advance. Finally, keep an eye on your little one during takeoff and landing; these are bumpy rides!

Get up and move

If your child is flying for the first time, it’s important to get them up and moving during the flight. Encourage your child to walk around and stretch their legs during the flight. This helps prevent boredom and helps them feel more comfortable.

Have a backup plan

Children can be unpredictable, so it’s important to have a backup plan in case things don’t go as expected. Pack extra clothing, diapers, and wipes, and have a backup entertainment option in case your primary choice doesn’t work.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask a flight attendant for help. They can bring you extra snacks, drinks, or pillows, and they can also assist you with any other needs you may have during the flight.

Stay positive and relaxed

Finally, try to stay positive and relaxed throughout the flight. Children can sense your stress levels, so it’s important to stay calm and patient. Take deep breaths, listen to music, or read a book to help you stay relaxed.

Flying with children can be a wonderful and memorable experience with the right preparation and tips. By following these tips, you can make your next family flight a success, and you can create lasting memories with your children. Remember to take it one step at a time, and enjoy the journey!